Thursday, October 9, 2014

Keeping Perspective

"For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly." Romans 5:6

How many times have we been guilty of making fun of others by the lifestyle they live, the decisions they make, the clothes they wear, car they drive, or even the condition of their soul? Were we not once there ourselves? Regardless of the difference of choices made between you and someone else, lost is lost. How should we react towards drug users, alcohol abusers, murderers, so forth and so on? 

Here are some no-no's:

-Don't mock or ridicule someone who doesn't live like you do.
-Don't consider yourself better than a murderer or even a child molester (hard, I know).
-Don't gossip about someone else, especially the lost man.

Here are some yes-yes':

-Consider his/her situation with compassion.
-Pull yourself down to a Christ-like demeanor of humility.
-Pray for those who have either went astray or who are without Christ.

If someone you know has a sailor mouth, alcohol/drug problem, an anger problem, it is because they are without Christ, OR, they are in a temporary valley-like state of a spiritual battle. It does not matter if you grew up in church, went to church every time the doors opened, sung songs in the choir loft, or even went on hundreds of mission trips, you and I were both lost and looking for salvation. You want to know my stance on the issue of the lost? I would rather sit down with a bunch of honest drunks, than to sit in some churches. Christ came for one reason only: " die for the ungodly." Let us be a light to those around us, not thinking that we are better than a prostitute on the street corner or a homeless man begging. Pray for those who need our voices to lift up their names in prayer to God. Pray for opportunities to witness and He will open a door. Good night, :)


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