Saturday, October 4, 2014

Carrying the Burdens of Others

"Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." Galatians 6:2

The church, in general, fails when it comes to this commandment. What does it mean to "bear one another's burdens?" How can we do a better job of fulfilling this commandment?

"Bearing one another's burdens is not pointed at just our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ; this is something that we should practice with even the lost. Why? It shows them the God we serve. Everything we do, should reflect Christ and not us. If someone lost or saved has an issue or a burden, our first reaction should be prayer. Pray that God gives us guidance on how to help that person. If we pray and God doesn't choose to use us, He will use someone else but hear your prayer for that person. If there is someone you know who needs extra prayer, spend this moment in lifting him/her up to God. Even if God chooses to not do anything about that person nor their situation, "fulfilling the law of Christ" is what we are commanded to do. When was the last time you prayed for someone who was having a hard time? When was the last time you sat down with someone and cried with them? Listened to them or even helped? Make it a lifestyle so that those around you see not you, but Christ.


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