Saturday, October 11, 2014

Following No Matter What the Cost

How powerful is the picture above? It is simple, yet filled with power. How often do we allow God to just take over when things seem to be astray or people seem to attack you from all corners? Christ, being both human and God while here on earth, knew that He had to go along with what was expected of Him. He could have given up and asked for legions of Angels to fight for Him (Matthew 26:53), but that wasn't His focus nor was it His desire. He knew that it would please His Father to die for mankind. He chose to allow the soldiers to beat, mock, and scorn Him even to the cross. He set the example for us from the beginning. When we are being attacked, whether it be in form of idle gossip, slander, or physical beatings, we are to lift our eyes to the heavens, and tell God, "Not my Will, but Yours be done." Too often, some Christians give up on trying to live right because the devil beats down on them hard and tries to tell them that what people say is based on truth and that somehow, God feels the same way about them. That's wrong and definitely the opposite of how God sees His children. The devil's job is to "kill, steal, and destroy..." The devil wants to kill your witness, steal your joy, and destroy your life and witness. Don't allow him. Sadly, he uses those who claim to be love the Lord and live for Him and unfortunately the Bible is very clear on those type of believers:

"Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works. And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." Matthew 7:22, 23

 To say all this, my point is that whenever you have any type of crossroad that you have come to and there's doubt and discouragement roaming around you, just give it to God and let Him lead you. He knows what's best for you and He cares for you very much. If it takes blocking, ignoring or even removing people from your life, if led by the Spirit, do so. I have done this recently and in the past and it feels great. Christ didn't have hundreds of followers following Him around daily; he chose 12 and kept that number small for only reasons that He alone knows. Do what you know is right and tell God, "not my Will, but Yours be done." If you're spending time with Him in prayer daily, digging into His Word constantly, God will lead you. Don't listen to the devil because he craves disorder and drama between professing Christians. Forgive daily and ask for forgiveness and you will be set free from the wiles of the devil. May God bless you on this beautiful Saturday evening. Any questions, please feel free to contact me via email. Xoxo


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