Sunday, December 28, 2014

Walking Uprightly

In a society like we live in today, it is very hard to walk uprightly. Many times we find ourselves watering down sin as if we are trying to mold the Word of God into some kind of modern entity so, in the process, we can feel better about committing sin. Is lying worth it? Is watching that filthy movie worth it? Is smoking that cigarette or downing that beer worth it? If we took that time and spent it helping others or even spent it in reading our Bible, how much more effective could we become for Christ and His Kingdom? Can you imagine what impact we could have on those around us if we led by example? Imagine how powerful prayer can be if we spent the time on our knees giving up people to Him with an earnest heart. Why must we spend our time justifying why we do what we do instead of using that time to give it all back to God? Love as Christ loved you, forgive seven times seven those who offend you, pray earnestly for those around you, give with all of your heart, and do it all with faith. Don't let the devil pull the wool over your eyes. Remind him of his future and walk as Christ did. Don't give up, beloved. We are almost there. Make your walk count.

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