"And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him." Colossians 3:15-17
Thanksgiving is not only a time of historical reflection, but also of personal reflection of all we've been blessed with. This is the time when we give our praise to God for every moment He has blessed us with, good or bad. This past year, Dustin and I have been blessed to watch our children grow beautifully. This was an extra year of joy, laughter, and high levels of energy! Imagine that! LOL
I am very thankful for my eldest, Brent. Brent started the 1st grade and is doing extremely well in his class that is intermixed with 2nd graders. We do homeschool co-op meaning that he attends school on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9-3 and I teach him on his off days (which is an extra blessing for me!). Part of his schooling is to memorize scripture and that in and off itself is every mother's delight. Not only has he kept straight A's this year, he has been a great helper around the house especially with the girls. He loves on them and hugs on them when they start to cry. He teaches them songs about Jesus and acts like a father figure to them by teaching them what to do and what not to do. I am very thankful for a little boy who has a heart as big as David's.
I am very thankful for my firstborn daughter and middle child, Laura Lynn. Everyone who meets little Laura loves her energy and comedic way of interaction. She is our wild child! She has a funny laugh and her expressions are nothing short of hilarious! This little girl has been a blessing to my life. Her "larger than life" personality is what keeps a grin on my face. I can already tell from her wit and impatient personality that she is my mini-me. She is one smart little girl who already, at two and a half, is starting to say "yes ma'am" just like big brother. She is definitely a gift from God Himself.
I am very thankful for our youngest bundle, little Miss Meredith Evelyn. Meredith is our little chunky monkey and her daddy's mini-me. With her 1st birthday approaching on December 11, she has kept this year very busy and warm for us. We have seen her at her tiniest to almost walking now. Every trip to the store has invited nothing but warm compliments of how contagious her dimpled smile is. Her piercing blue doll baby-shaped eyes are met with kind words from strangers. Looking at this tiny, yet chunky little baby, my heart is full.
I am thankful for Dustin. He has been a stable rock for this wild heart of mine. He is hands-on father with a big heart. When God places you where you are meant to be, according to His Will, your whole family life is at peace. He makes me feel wanted and loved. From changing diapers to thanking me for getting up at 4 to cook breakfast for him, I feel loved and appreciated. I thank God for his simple and humble heart.
These are just a few of the things that I am grateful for this year. God doesn't have to bless me in order for me to thank Him. He doesn't have to prove anything to me. Knowing that He wanted to create me to be His, is enough for me to be thankful for. Be thankful and give thanks to God for all things. He is good no matter the circumstance in your life.
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