This past week and a half, Brent and I have been studying the book of Job for his bedtime devotions. As odd as that sounds, he loves it. It's not a typical book to go to when trying to read to your children, but as for my teaching, I like for my children to be challenged, but more than not, prepared for what they will have to face, thanks to my walk. In saying that, what I mean is, is that Satan doesn't like me very much and nor should he. Every attempt I make to rear my children on the right path, every conversation I have with a friend of mine through Facebook on doctrine, and even every wrong I try to make right, is always met head-on with the enemy. I am no stranger to his schemes and set-ups. I am no stranger to the craziness he throws my way. One thing I love knowing, is that he is doing it because I am a threat to him. Every strong Christian I have ever met, is facing some battle. The Bible promises us that those who are faithful, will face trials and tribulations. That also indirectly tells me, that anyone who doesn't face trials and tribulations, don't belong to God and that's scary.
Take Job for example. Job had it all. Job had the riches, the land, the animals, 10 children, a wife and a life without trouble. The Bible says that when the Sons of God came to present themselves before God, that Satan came also (points to Satan's submissiveness to his own Creator, God). Satan can not for the life of him, stand it when someone is living for God and not being in some kind of trouble of some sort. His only way of stirring the pot, is to ask for permission to do anything bad. What does this mean to the believer? This is good news! Bad things do not come from God, did you know that?
God had blessed Job because he wanted Job to be happy but Job was also devoted to God. Only when God gave Satan permission to take everything away from Job, did He turn around and double his blessing right after. Through Satan's attempts to make trouble, God had proven yet again that His Will will prevail. There could be different reasons why God gave Satan permission to do something so horrible to Job and here are just a few:
1. God wanted to prove, not that He had to, to Satan how powerful He is.
2. God wanted to show Job that He was still in control.
3. Job might have needed a new beginning for his sake.
Being that God is God, maybe the reasons are not meant to be known. What I think, is I think that God allows these things to happen because He knows that Satan still has to exist for a time being and that this gives us an opportunity to cry out to Him. That is part of our freedom of choice. We choose to do things and if not led by the Spirit, we could end up hurt. If we do make right decisions and you belong to God, you will be met with trouble but only because the devil asks for you by name. So the next time something bad happens to you and you can't figure out where it's coming from, rest assured, there is a God that sees it and already knows who's behind it. Don't give up and blame God for it. If you're having a difficulty with a person, pray and seek God. Ask God to tell Satan "no." Did you know that you can do that? If God chooses to allow you to go through a trial, go through like Job did and don't "curse God and die" like Job's wife told him to do. Praise Him in the storm, praise Him through the sweat and tears, and praise Him even when things are good. Don't let the devil rob you of your joy and if you are facing troubles, be happy because now you know you are living for God what the Bible calls "wholeheartedly."
"Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; but
rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings, that
when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy." I Peter 4:12-13
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