Thursday, April 23, 2015


Absolutely mind blowing how parents, or anyone, can beat a child and even to death. I have lost all faith in human kind & it's only going to get worse. More children will go to sleep hungry and wake up with no one to feed them breakfast. More children will suffer rape and molestation at the hands of evil men and women. My heart can't take it anymore. It is absolutely unbearable. Be kind to your children. Feed them, hug them, love on them. All throughout my news feed I see whining and complaining. Spoiled brats who thrive on drama and putting down others not realizing that they are but tools being used by Satan, the creator of these evil acts against children as young as my Brent, Laura, and Meredith. Find something more worthy of ranting about. That stupid time wasted on spending relentless hours on your phone being nosy about other people's business, could be spent on your knees before your God praying for those children who are, at this very second, being raped, sodomized, starved, and beaten. We are selfish "Christians" and from what I know of behind the scenes of many people's lives, regardless of the facade put here on fb, we are hypocrites on the other side of our phones.

The rant above is from my personal Facebook. Granted, I watch way too much news for my own good. For years, even before college, I kept up with Nancy Grace and those sad stories about children. One night, I had brought something to my husband in the living room and forgetting that I just cried my eyes out, he looked up and said, "Hunny, you don't need to be looking at all of those stories for awhile." I get to the point to where I just end up crying myself to sleep, praying and asking God to just tell the devil no when it comes to the children. My pastor's wife, the most bible-sounded woman I know, told me that I should never think for one second that the Lord and His Angels are not right there with that child. She also went on to say that the devil just doesn't pick and choose randomly who he is trying to harm; he attacks everyone and especially the children because they are the innocent ones. What better way to try and anger God than to target His tiniest creation? 

So to say all that is to say this: Everything that we go through in this life whether it be a feud, ill coworker, annoying relative, etc, is insignificant to what these children go through right now. As I type, some are being raped, molested, yelled at, called names, shook, starved, physically abused, and so forth. How dare we be so wrapped up in stupid things? How dare we act so selfish in our prayer life? Our prayers are to be for others and not ourselves. Take this advice and please heed it. The devil continues to harm these children and the numbers are mounting. Some will get rescued, but others will die. Pray that God protects them from all evil. Start now.

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