Sunday, March 29, 2015

Juggling 3


 My life has taken many twists and turns and all for the good. My youngest, Meredith Evelyn, is almost 4 months old and knowing that I am the first person she sees when she wakes up and the last person she sees as she closes her big blue eyes, is worth more than anything in this world. I have always seen myself becoming a mother. It is what I am good at and apparently, God thinks that as well or else He wouldn't have blessed my womb.
        I have a 5 year old, Brent Jackson, who will be turning 6 on May 6 and a little girl, Laura Lynn, who will be turning 2 on June 20. With all three of my little monkeys, there is never a time of dullness nor boredom. The house is always loud, massive amounts of toys everywhere, nonstop cooking frenzies, so forth and so on and I love every second of it. From one of my blogs, involving my childhood, you might have read about my not-too-perfect life as a child. That childhood has made me the woman, wife, and mother that I am today.
        I was blessed with a beautiful boy, very smart boy who is athletic, competitive, warm, kind, hyper, sensitive, mean as a snake, cuddly, etc. He was born on a rainy day on May 6, 2009. I remember his doctor, Dr. Raper, coming in and telling me that he had very handsome features for a baby boy. From his checkups as the years passed, his cute little face matched his cute little size. He may never be a tall guy as he gets older (I'm 4'9 and his father is 5'6), but his wit and charm make up for it. God designed him and therefore, I love him just the way he is.
        He loves to read books as well. Over the years, I have bought him so many books that it required a bookcase in his room. I have always believed in the power of reading and I can remember reading to him since he was big enough to sit still and just look at the pictures. To this day, he still reminds me every night to read to him.
        My next little monkey came on June 20, 2013. It also happened to be on a semi-rainy day. She was a beautiful little baby and I can remember seeing her father cry for the first time. As soon as she arrived, she cried and as I looked over to see my husband, he was laughing and crying his eyes out. As soon as he held her for the first time, I could tell they were going to be buddies for life. Today, she is a rowdy little girl who loves to play outside and cuddle. She is a pretty tough little girl and can hold her own thanks to her big brother who likes to wrestle with her, lol.
        With all these active children, it makes me sad to know that I am getting older. My husband and I are having a renewal ceremony in 2017 for our 5 year wedding anniversary so we thought that after that point, we will try again. I will tell you this: My husband loves babies. He was a rough guy when we dated but ever since Laura came along, he turned into a big teddy bear. He loves the idea of having more children, especially girls! He loves putting Laura's hair up in pigtails, putting dresses on her, letting her wear little earrings and necklaces, etc. So, for him, he is actually excited to extend the family (that and with more children, the more grand babies we get to have in the far future! lol). It is actually funny because my mother had 4 and so did his mother, so we might be destined to have 4! We never know!
       These 3 blessings have brought so much joy to my life. It can be hard at times, but I enjoy taking "me" out of the equation. I haven't slept through the night in almost 6 years, so I don't know what it feels like to sleep at night. I gave up a career, but wouldn't go back no matter how much money it was. I don't get a shower every day and I often forget to eat because my mind is so bogged down with mommy stuff. Sound silly? Not to a dedicated and compassionate mother it shouldn't. Since I came to Christ, what He wants of me is more important than what others expect of me. I always go back to Proverbs 31, not because I am striving to be perfect, but because I want to please my Heavenly Father by being what He deems as a good wife and mother. I hope you find encouragement while reading this. God bless you on this beautiful Palm Sunday!

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